Legal Notice / GDPR Notice

Legal Notice

Hägglunds Vehicle GmbH

Executive: Anders Lundgren

Hoher Holzweg 12, 30966 Hemmingen, Deutschland

Tel.: +49 5101 - 99 180 0 • Fax: +49 5101 - 99 180 99


Authorized to represent: Anders Lundgren

Registration Court: Hannover + Reg. no.: HRB 120098

Responsible person according to TMG (German Act for Telemedia Services): Anders Lundgren

All used names, terms, signs and graphics can be trademarks or registered brands owned by their legal proprietary. The rights of all named and used trademarks and registered brands exclusively belong to their owners. We do not take any responsibility for contents of linked external pages.

Product pictures © by Hägglunds GmbH and BAE Systems

Design and layout of the homepage as well as pictures of the Hemmingen site:

photodesign Sachtleben, Hannover

GDPR Notice

When visiting this website, your device automatically transfers log-in-data (connection data) to the server (provider) which hosts the website (e. g. the IP-address of the device, type of browser, the page you have visited previously, your system configuration, date and time). This data is saved there automatically and is not used by us in any way. We do not have influence on this. We do not conduct any data gathering or forward data to third parties.

We neither use cookies nor Google Analytics, there is no social-media-tracking carried out. We use GoogleFonts, Google itself is maintaining statistics about which webpages use these fonts.

We do not have any influence on the use of your data on linked external pages and consequently do not take responsibility for it.

You may contact us for further questions via the contact data mentioned above.